For Sale: McSweeney’s No. 9. William T. Vollmann, Denis Johnson, A.M. Homes, et all. 2002.


Near fine in wraps as published.

A nice, unread copy.

US domestic shipping free with reasonable rates offered world wide.

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“This is the first paperback McSweeney’s Publishing has put out in more than two years. We thought it best we go back to our origins, for many reasons, chief among them financial.”

Here’s a lesser-known fact about McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern: its name and original concept were inspired by a real person, Timothy McSweeney, who was a distant relative of Dave Eggers. McSweeney was known for writing letters to Eggers’ family claiming to be their lost relative, even though no one in the family knew him personally. Eggers found the odd correspondence compelling and named the magazine after McSweeney as a nod to the eccentric, unconventional spirit the publication would embody. This connection ties directly to the magazine’s ethos of celebrating the quirky, offbeat, and innovative in literature and art.

And, perhaps, its lack of financial stability. Which is why we love it so.

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