“HEY! Do you listen to AM or FM?” That’s what she asked me. Just like that, too.
It was the fall of 1974. I was in 5th grade, living in Calumet City. She was a little older, way cooler, and so pretty I couldn’t believe she was talking to me. (Cliché, I know.) I don’t remember her name. But I remember the moment: I was walking home from school, already nervous as she approached. I looked away—then, like a miracle, she spoke. To me! And she asked that question like it mattered.
Because it did then.
You might not know this, but in 1974 AM radio meant “Seasons in the Sun,” “Band on the Run,” “One Tin Soldier,” and “The Night Chicago Died.” I knew them all. I didn’t know FM radio — at all. Didn’t know it was even a thing. So I immediately—and excitedly—blurted out my reply: AM! Because WLS’s Larry Lujack was playing all my hits. And I needed to impress her.
The rest of my after-school, 5th-grade life consisted of dirt clod fights, building elaborate forts, collecting beer cans, and avoiding — at any and all costs– The Burnham Boys. And “La Grange.” I can remember hearing Billy then as clearly as I remember that girl—that unmistakable guitar riff followed by his talky-growly-laughy, make-no-sense HAVE MERCY A-HAW HAW HAW HAW that confounded and fascinated me. An oddly amazing song. A song that etched itself into my brain. I loved it then. Still do.
Two other things I need to tell you: in 1974 “La Grange” made it onto both AM and FM heavy rotation; and, in 2009, I watched, in amazement, as The Eels covered it long after what everyone thought was the final song of their show. Meaning The Eels played their set, then their encore…and then, of course, most of the crowd had left. Cause the show’s over, right? I would have usually been gone by then, too; but I was slowly nursing a final beer and talking to a pal and getting ready to walk out when the band suddenly reappeared—as house lights remained on—and they launched into “La Grange.” Maybe the six or eight of us remaining got to watch that. Pretty amazing, huh?
Anyway—it was a no-brainer when I ran across a clean, used copy of Tres Hombres at Ghost of Eastside in Tempe. It’s now the 8th record in my 10’s-the-limit collection.
And The Girl Whose Name Is Lost Forever? She laughed when I answered her question, turned, and walked away.
Because of course she did.