A sharp, satirical collection of short stories that explores the absurdities of contemporary consumer culture, media influence, and human relationships. Renowned for his dark humor and inventive storytelling, Saunders uses surreal and dystopian settings to illuminate the often troubling aspects of modern society.
In Persuasion Nation solidified George Saunders’ reputation as a master of short fiction, showcasing his ability to balance biting social critique with genuine humanity. The collection is a must-read for fans of literary satire and speculative fiction.
So what’s the story behind the inscription? I stole the idea from the fine fellows over at Bolerium Books while I was in Grad School at USF: next time you go to a book signing, buy two copies of whatever your favorite author is promoting and ask them to sign it to their favorite dead author. Or favorite dead musician. Or favorite dead filmmaker. Then, let the fun times begin!
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